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Activity Projetos

3rd National Exhibition of Young Entrepreneurs - Virtual

2020-12-10 to 2020-12-31

On December 10 and 11, the Youth Foundation held the 3rd National Exhibition of Young Entrepreneurs, this year in an online format, considering the pandemic situation we are experiencing. Click here to watch and / or review the Exhibition!

This nationwide event was the stage for 58 projects, 36 of a creative nature and 22 of social impetus, all of them with a common point, their entrepreneurial spirit. This spirit that 19 teachers and 129 participants tried to instill in each of the ideas developed.

Despite the climate of uncertainty that we are going through, the non-performance of the exhibition was never an option. That said, the possible and ideal solution, given the current conditions, was the creation of the exhibition in a virtual format. During this time, we have always remained close and in contact with young people and their schools, having extended the deadline for submitting the final project proposals, so that no one would be harmed by the outbreak of the pandemic and all the consequences it brought.

This virtual opportunity, although it can be seen as limiting, allowed participants, teachers and the general public to watch the show more easily, bypassing the geographical limitations that happened in previous years. In this way, everyone was able to experience and watch testimonies from the most important players in the entrepreneurial community.

The digital platform where the 3rd National Exhibition of Young Entrepreneurs took place was carefully developed to include moments of networking, knowledge acquisition and exploration of the most varied themes, as it happened in previous editions, using virtual chats.

Stay tuned and don't miss the opportunity to participate in the next edition. Join us.


Downloadable documents:

  List of Selected Projects

  List of Awarded Projects

3rd National Exhibition of Young Entrepreneurs - Virtual


Os prémios a atribuir aos projetos selecionados para os Jovens do Ensino Secundário:

  • 1º Prémio – €1.000 (mil euros)
  • 2º Prémio – €750 (setecentos e cinquenta euros)
  • 3º Prémio – €500 (quinhentos euros)
  • Prémio Especial Professor - €250 (duzentos e cinquenta euros)


Os prémios a atribuir aos projetos selecionados para os Jovens do Ensino Superior:

  • 1º Prémio – €1.500 (mil e quinhentos euros)
  • 2º Prémio – €1.000 (mil euros)
  • 3º Prémio – €750 (setecentos e cinquenta euros

Parceiro Oficial

Outros Parceiros


O evento será transmitido através de uma Arena Virtual – https://mostradeempreendorismo.virtualarena.pt/


Programa em direto

10 e 11 de dezembro de 2020, das 11:00 às 17:10.


Programa disponível para visualização

12 dezembro a 31 de dezembro de 2020


Fundação da Juventude

Palácio das Artes, Fábrica de Talentos Largo de S. Domingos, 19

4050-545 Porto

Tel.: (+351) 22 339 35 30

Email: geral@fjuventude.pt

Pedro Nunes

Email: jovensempreendedores@fjuventude.pt