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Activity Projetos

14th National Virtual Science Exhibition

2020-11-26 to 2020-11-27

The Fundação da Juventude held the 14th National Science Exhibition on 26 and 27 November, this year in the online format due to the pandemic situation we are going through.


In this great event dedicated to science, 54 projects were present, originating from several study areas: Bioeconomics, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Physics, Computing and Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Chemistry. Projects carried out by more than 100 young scientists, through the guidance of 31 teachers and which are the result of the selection made by the Jury of the 28th National Contest for Young Scientists.

It is with great enthusiasm that we organised the 14th National Virtual Science Exhibition, even taking into account the adversities we all had to deal with during the National Contest for Young Scientists. During this time we always kept close contact with young people and their schools, and although it was not possible to hold the event in the usual format, we always maintained this close contact by organising the virtual exhibition.

We took this opportunity to extend participation to more young people, more teachers and the general public, who were often unable to participate for various reasons, and who were now able to live this experience with the most important players in the scientific community. It was also an opportunity to innovate the Show, while maintaining its initial concept: to motivate young people to research and develop the sciences for the growth of the scientific community.

The digital platform where the 14th National Virtual Science Exhibition took place was carefully developed to provide moments of networking, acquisition of knowledge and exploration of the most varied subjects, just as in previous editions.

We have also created a programme of Conferences and Lectures with a set of renowned speakers connected to Science. 


If you want to see the best moments of the exhibition click on: mostradeciencia.virtualarena.pt


  List of Selected Projects

  Winning Projects 14th National Virtual Science Exhibition

14th National Virtual Science Exhibition


São 5 os prémios principais a atribuir aos alunos dos projetos selecionados.


Serão ainda distinguidos os seguintes projetos em áreas específicas:


Os prémios especiais não podem acumular com nenhum dos prémios principais.


O concurso prevê ainda a atribuição do Prémio Especial Professor(a) Coordenador(a) dos Primeiros Prémios, no valor de €400 (quatrocentos euros) cada, para distinguir empenho e a dedicação no acompanhamento do projeto, valorizando assim a experimentação e a investigação aplicada em processos educativos.


O júri reserva-se ainda o direito de conceder Menções Honrosas, não pecuniárias, aos projetos que manifestamente apresentem índices de inovação e oportunidade relevantes.


Participações Internacionais

Os projetos premiados no 28º Concurso Nacional para Jovens Cientistas podem vir a participar em eventos europeus e mundiais, de acordo com a decisão da Fundação da Juventude e da Ciência Viva. Para 2021 estão previstas as seguintes participações:



Parceiro Oficial





O evento será transmitido através de uma Arena Virtual - mostradeciencia.virtualarena.pt


Programa em direto

26 a 27 de Novembro de 2020, das 10:00 às 18:00


Programa disponível para visualização

28 Novembro a 31 de Dezembro de 2020


Susana Chaves

Telf.: + 351 223 393 530

Email: schaves@fjuventude.pt