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Activity Projetos

Get Forward

2017-06-01 to 2020-11-30

GET FORWARD is a social innovation project that promotes the social inclusion of young people at risk through empowerment, developed by the Fundação da Juventude in partnership with Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Lisboa as a Social Investor.

Aimed at young people aged between 18 and 25, the project is intended for young people in situations of greater social fragility such as unemployment, school dropouts, delicate family situations or institutionalised young people. It is a project that, given the current context of international economic and financial crisis and the most varied situations of social fragility, seeks to stimulate personal development, social integration and employability of young people through initiatives such as capacity building at the level of personal skills, social support through Mentors and the promotion of the first experience in the labour market.


The project will involve a total of 100 young people from the northern region, in six training actions until 2020, one for each of the project's six partner municipalities (Porto, Maia, Gondomar, Matosinhos, Gaia and Santa Maria da Feira).

With a high social impact, GET FORWARD not only focuses on the promotion of new public policies for the promotion of technical skills adjusted to labour skills needs, but also seeks to promote the change of risk behaviours, such as drug abuse and trafficking, crime, violence and gangs, with evident positive effects for society.

Promoted by the Fundação da Juventude and co-financed by the Social Inclusion and Employment Operational Programme, Portugal 2020 and the European Union - European Social Fund, the project also has Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Lisboa as a Social Investor.

Get Forward

Jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos, em situações de maior fragilidade social como desemprego, abandono escolar, situações familiares delicadas ou jovens institucionalizados.

Investidor Social

Municípios Parceiros


Principais Atividades
  • Info Day: 28 de Setembro de 2017, Palácio das Artes, Porto - lançamento oficial do projeto

  • GET FORWARD: 6 Ações de Capacitação compostas pelas seguintes Fases: Seleção de Jovens; Capacitação; Estágio; Mentoria Social e Integração no Mercado de Trabalho.

  • Conferência Final: dezembro 2020

Ações de Capacitação

O projeto envolveu um total de 100 jovens da região norte, em cinco ações de capacitação até 2020, uma por cada um dos cinco municípios parceiros do projeto (Porto, Maia, Gondomar, Matosinhos e Gaia).


Pedro Nunes

Telf.: (+351) 22 339 35 30

Email: pnunes@fjuventude.pt


Investidor Social

Municípios Parceiros



Pedro Nunes

Telf.: (+351) 22 339 35 30

Email: pnunes@fjuventude.pt



Municípios Parceiros



Pedro Nunes

Telf.: (+351) 22 339 35 30

Email: pnunes@fjuventude.pt